A Thousand Splendid Suns

YayyY!!!! I finally got my own ‘A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS’ 😀 A gift from S 🙂 I know…I know…the book came out long time ago…and I was equally desperate to read it..but somehow I could not manage to get hold of one 😦 I loved ‘The Kite Runner’ and now that I have this book…I can’t wait to finish it.

A Book about Blokes – Post meant for Ladies only :)


‘The Big Book of Bloke Jokes’ by Louise Johnson 🙂 Sounds interesting right? S presented me with this book yesterday. Really nice of him for allowing me to read a book full of sexist jokes…on men!!! Some of the quippets are really funny…

“…..Why are blokes like Mascara?

They usually run at the first sign of emotion! 

What do blokes consider house cleaning?

Lifting their feet so you can vacuum under them

What’s the best way to get a bloke to do something?

Suggest he’s too old for it….” 😀

This is just a glimpse of some of the one-liners, which are so very true. I haven’t finished the book yet but will do…very soon…

The Last Page has Turned!

Finally…finally, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Cover Page. Bloomsbury Publication.

I was expecting HP to die in the end ‘cuz that’s what my friend told me (I shall take care of her later). There are still a few bits and pieces in the book that I haven’t completely understood but as long as I’ve appreciated the ending…it’s fine 😀

Overall, I found the book very interesting. I did not cook, did not talk to S after he came back from work, our lives were on a standstill for two days 😀 I was even dreaming about what would happen next. For a minute, S thought I was reading SRK’s autobiography..he’s the only guy who can make me stop what I am doing and stare at the television set 😀

Since I haven’t read the previous series of HP, I shall do so now. Go grab yours if you haven’t read it yet!