Movie Review: Hancock

I usually don’t miss any of Will Smith’s movies. He is one of my favourtie actors…and there’s only one other in the list. I love Fresh Prince of Bel Air and watch some of the very old episodes when ever they are on tele. He is one person who lives life to the fullest, has a great sense of humour and is a great example of the ‘rags to riches story’. Last friday, I watched interviews of Jay Z and Will Smith on ‘Friday Night with Jonathan Ross’ and when asked how he is motivated…Jay Z  simply replied ‘Being Broke is the Greatest Motivator’. Few videos…


…..and I love Friday Night with Jonathan Ross 😀 Fantastic show!

Oh Yes…Hancock..I forgot!

Hancock (Will Smith) is a story of a super hero everybody loves to hate. He unlike any other super heroes out there. He hates chasing the bad guys and prefers to get himself drunk and sleep on the streets. Along comes Ray (Jason Bateman), a kind PR exec who takes up the responsibility of improving Hancock’s image even though his wife Mary (Charlize Theron) is not so sure about her husband’s friendship with Hancock.

The rest of the story is how Hancock’s life changes when he comes to know of his origins and why he was sent to earth. There is no ‘real’ bad guy in the movie…like Lex Luther in Superman or Joker in Batman since this is just a toaster.

Jason Bateman was terrific in the movie. Totally charming and humourous as a PR exec…a loving husband and a loyal friend. Will Smith is his usual. He doesn’t need to put much effort into the roles he plays…it comes naturally to him. Be it action, comedy or romance. He is fantastic. When ever he is on screen, there is a certain energy he brings to the audience.

I won’t say the movie is mind-blowing or anything. It is definately watchable but don’t expect a Spider Man or Batman. This one is different. Give it a try.

My Rating: 3/5

Sowwiee…was tempted to put up a pic of Will Smith instead of Hancock 😀 Love Him!

Movie Reviews: THe Incredible Hulk & Dasavatharam


Brief reviews of the two movies I watched yesterday. Manged to watch one after the other 😀 O


I LOVED THE MOVIE! Edward Norton (HULK) is one of my FAV actors. There’s this innocence about his face. There’s so much love in the movie. 

Incredible HULK is definately different to the previous HULK since this HULK doesn’t want to be the angry green man anymore.  Liv Tyler is fab too as HULK’s ‘girl friend’. Though sometimes, it did feel like I was watching Beauty and the Beast 😀

Special effects are fantastic….though I thought HULK could be a little more good looking 😉

There definately will be HULK 3 and it could have Iron Man in it 😀 That will be fabulous! To know why…you should go watch the movie.

Overall, the movie is thrilling, exciting, full of action, lots of love and fantastic locales (e.g. Brazil).

My rating: 3.5/5


The first tamil movie I watched was Sivaji because of all the hype and it did not have subtitles 😦 Considering I don’t speak or understand a single word of tamil, it was a nightmare. I had to be satisfied with the eccentricites of RajiniKanth….which were surprisingly entertaining. It was astonishing that there were just 10 pple in the screen watching the movie.

It was a different story for Dasavatharam. People were standing and watching the movie and it had subtitles too 😀 and what should I say about Kamal Hassan. He is simply FANTASTIC. He is truly blessed. He plays ten characters in the movie; Govind Ramasaamy (the real Kamal Hassan), Rangaraja Nambi (devotee of Lord Vishnu)George Bush, Avtar Singh (a famous pop singer), Christian Fletcher (ex-CIA member aka the villian), Shinghen Narahasi (Chinese martial arts master), Krishnaveni (grandma), Vincent Poovaraagan (social activist), Kalifullah Khan (a rather tall muslim man) and Balaram Naidu (my favourite character of all…RAW official…and a telugu).

The movie starts off sometime in the 12th century. Rangaraja Nambi is drowned in the sea with the idol of Lord Vishnu by the King who is a follower of Lord Shiva. He is reborn in the 21st century as Govind Ramasamy and works for a Biotech COmpany in the US. His company is on the verge of selling a very effective but a dangerous bio-chemical weapon to the US army and Govind is out to stop this from happening. THis takes him from US to India. Following his every movie is Christian Fletcher (Kamal again) who has been assigned by the weapons manufacturer to kill Govind and get the sample back. Govind is held captive by RAW officials (Balram Naidu also Kamal) on his return India and the rest of the story is revolves around how Govind retrives the sample and saves the world 🙂

Kamal Hassan touches on many issues in the movie….from Global Warming, to War….from Social Discrimination to Religion. Considering his age…he’s in good shape. I have been a great fan of his dancing skills since Sagara Sangamam.

My Rating 3/5

What I didn’t like about Sarkar Raj

I went to the movies yesterday to watch Mongol but my plan backfired. After some emotional blackmail’ing’ by S, I sat through Sarkar Raj. I was not mad about watching this movie after reading Raja Sen’s rediff review…and I also had an inkling that it would not live up to the prequel Sarkar.

I cannot get myself to write reviews about movies that I don’t like so please read Raja Sen’s review here. Instead, I will let my dear readers know what I didn’t like about the movie.

Here goes…

  • Welcome to the world of Sarkar Raj where people never smile…No..Never. It is depressing.
  • Meet Anita Rajan (aka Ash Rai Bach) who is supposed to be the CEO of a multi billion dollar Energy Company but is not half as dynamic as she is supposed to be. Instead, she takes people management, leadership and communication skills tuitions from Shankar Nagre (Abhishek Bachchan).
  • One wonders why this ‘CEO’, who is supposed to be sitting in her air-coditioned office signing off deals and contracts lingers around Shankar Nagre. Doesn’t she have better things to do?
  • Why Shankar Nagre confides in the CEO about his dark secrets and fears is above my understanding 😛 I mean…the man just lost his wife (Avantika aka tanisha) and it’s not even been a week and is already smitten by the London returned chick who walks like a model and talks like a plastic doll 😈
  • There are too many twists and turns that by the end…you loose the plot and find it difficult to piece things together…who is who…who did what…what’s he doing here…isn’t he supposed to be dead etc etc are some of the common questions that pop up in your head…
  • Amitabh is definately toast of the movie. Rest do an OK job. Ash’s job is to cry and talk about the power plant…that’s it.
  • Overall, the movie is dark and depressing. Don’t waste your money….rent the dvd once its out or even better…watch it online 😀

My Rating: 2/5

PS: New Photographs in my Photoblog. Do take a look 🙂

Two Movies, A Pizza and More Packing

Hola! my dear readers. I am back after a hiatus. My last post was about 10 days ago and here is a pictorial representation of what I was upto….

Never judge a movie by its promos..that is what I sadly but thankfully learnt after after sitting through the two movies. Sad to say that Harold and Kumar did not meet my expectations. I did not watch the previous H&K movies….otherwise I’d have definately skipped this one. American Pie is much more funnier. Harold and Kumar is a ‘gross’er version of American Pie. It is funny at times but the rest of the movie will make you wonder why Kal Penn, after his brilliant performance in The Namesake signed up for this disgusting movie! 

Superhero Movie isn’t great either. S infact slept after the first half ROFL! Don’t go by the cast. Yes….it has Leslie Nielsen in it…but for only 15 mins 😛 Since it is a spin off of Spider Man – 1, you know what’s will happen next (except that the super hero here is not bit by a spider but by a dragon fly) with some of the characters of X-Men and Batman ‘thrown’ in here and there.

I am not going to elaborate on the stories ‘cuz there isn’t one. Don’t waste your money by going to the theatres. Just rent a DVD once they are out or even better….watch then online without spending a penny.

Harold and Kumar :1.5/5

Super Hero Movie: 2/5

One of the movies’ I am desperate to watch this week is Mongol…the story of the rise to power of Genghis Khan. The movie was also nominated for an oscar in the Foreign Film Category. Personally, I love epics….I am crazy about anything to do with history. I loved Troy, King Arthur, some of the Jane Austen movies and lots more…including our very own Pathala Bhairavi and Maya Bazaar. I can watch these movies a 100 times and still not be fed up. Everything about this genre of movies is so magical. It feels like you’ve been transported to a different era altogether.

Mangol is like the ‘tiramisu’ of all these movies. It is not is about a person who lived…it is about a person I read and heard alot…so it will be fantastic if I can put faces to the character I have made in my head.

Sarkar Raj is out aswell but I am not terribly excited about the movie. I’ll give it a miss today. Haven’t read great reviews for it.

Packing is going at a snail’s pace now. Had alot of stuff cleared out over the weekend. The To Let sign has gone up infront of our property….and grim reminder that there aren’t many days left but I am in no hurry 😀 I always leave things till the last minute anyway 😉

Njoy! Review coming up soon 🙂


Movie Review: Sex and the City

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I wasn’t sure if I’d like the movie. I am not a huge of the show but I am relieved to say I enjoyed it. I was in a pretty bad mood before I walked into the screen…and when I am in a bad mood…trust me…it’s BAD!!! Infact, I was even contemplating on leaving the cinema even before the movie begined but forced myself to sit after some cajoling from S.

Coming to the movie…it starts off with the introduction of the four women, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte York (Kirstin Davis) and Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon). Like the show, the film deals with two of the most complex issues…love and relationships 😛

In brief, Mr. Big (Chris North), Carrie’s 45+ ‘man’friend proposes to Carrie in a very unconventional manner and they are ready to be married but is devestated when Mr. Big does not turn up on the big day.

Samantha moves to LA to support and work for Jerry ‘Smith’ Jerrod (Jason Lewis) and misses NY. Jerry is busy with work and Samantha craves to be with her friends. There’s also a sexy hunk who moves next door and she is finding it difficult to control her urges 😉

Miranda is the usual…a workaholic. Her husband (Steve Brady aka David Eigenberg craves for attention but Miranda is engrossed with other things. Unable to cope with his wife’s rejection….he ends up sleeping with another woman. Their life is shattered when Miranda comes to know the truth.

Charlotte, the most positive of them all is pleasantly surprised when is told that she is pregnant. Her’s is the most un-complicated story of all.

The rest of the movie is about how these four women with the help of each other try and cope with the circumstances they are in and try to move forward.

I like it when women help each other. After a couple of Ekta Kapoor’s Saah Bahu soaps…I was ready to ‘demolish’ our television set with a cricket bat. It is so annoying when you watch a woman hell bent on creating havoc in other woman’s life..either by ‘bedding’ her husband or by pitting the saas against her 😀 It is so pathetic! I hope such ‘bull shit’ will stop very soon.

I did not have great expectations from the movie since I was not a big fan of the show…probably that is what clinched it for me. We sometimes do not realise how difficult it is to be love. We take it for granted. it’s rosy when everything is going for you…but how you stick together when things are not going for you is what you learn over the years. I won’t say the movie is GREAT watch but it is a BEARABLE watch.

My rating: 2.5/5